This year Utrecht University has hosted Foundations 2018, a highly interdisciplinary event that brought together philosophers, physicists, mathematicians and historians. This was the 19th in a series that began on a small scale in Portsmouth in 1992, but which has now grown into one of the main conferences in the field, hosted in 2016 by LSE and in 2013 in Munich.
100 contributed or invited talks covered the most diverse aspects of the conceptual foundations of physics, and were accompanied by a public lecture by Sir Roger Penrose.

image credit: Lev Vaidmann
It is with extreme sadness that we have heard of the passing away of Paul Busch, among other things member of the International Organising Committee and of the Standing Committee for the UK and European Meetings on the Foundations of Physics. Paul was an outstanding physicist, a major presence in the foundations community and a terrific colleague. He shall be missed very much.